Stanford Slack

Axess is a consolidated online platform used by the Stanford community to access information and record transactions related to:

  • Academic Advising, Teaching and Grading
  • Employment
  • Student Enrollment and Financials
  • Training
  • Workflow-Enabled Administrative Processes

Axess is available to current Stanford community members and affiliates as follow:

  • Advisors
  • Employees (including all faculty, staff, student, and contingent employees)
  • Faculty
  • Instructors (including authorized instructor proxies)
  • Postdoctoral Scholars
  • Students (including incoming students, students on leave, and former students who have been active within the past five years)
  • Training (STARS) Users
  • Authorized PeopleSoft HR/SA Users

Guests may use Axess functions available from the login page to:

  • Login to Stanford ePay if they have been designated as an authorized payer on a student account (secure ePay login required)

Logging in to Axess

Your SUNet ID and password are required each time you use Axess. For your personal information to remain secure, it is vital that you not share your SUNet ID password with anyone. Never authorize anyone to use Axess on your behalf. It is a violation of University policy to misrepresent yourself, and you may lose student privileges or be subject to disciplinary action if you use another individual's SUNet ID password, or if you deliberately provide false information in Axess.

Hours of Availability

Axess is generally available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Slack accounts to align with other Stanford collaboration tools Stanford Slack accounts need to be registered using an email address in this format: This will allow the information in Slack to better align with other Stanford collaboration tools. Slack continues to introduce new functionality and integrations.

Slack Grid

  1. The Stanford Research Computing Center (SRCC) Users Slack Workspace ( has been created to keep our users updated with the latest news on the SRCC systems that they use (Oak, Sherlock, SCG, Nero, Farmshare, etc.), as well as to facilitate communication between users.
  2. Stanford Slack Grid, or Stanford Slack, is the enterprise version of Slack. It allows teams within Stanford to have separate, but connected, workspaces across the university. With Stanford Slack it's easy to discover and join other workspaces that are central to your work, although some workspaces require approval to join.
  3. Stanford Slack The UIT Blog is a behind-the-scenes look at the build and delivery of technology products and services to the Stanford community. The topics you’ll read about are all told first-hand by the individuals who work closest to them. Create a Slack Workspace.
  4. Directions for adding this channel to slack – Login to slack using the following URL: Here you can search for the School of Medicine workspace. Once you have joined the School of Medicine workspace, you can add channels by clicking the + sign next to channels.

Slack is a messaging and chat application that allows you to have conversations with individuals or groups online. You can search through your conversation history to find messages and files.

Getting Started with Slack

Slac Iat

Stanford as a whole is represented as a Slack organization, within which SLAC is a workspace. Conversations in a workspace are arranged as a channels (basically a chat room about a specific topic).

Sign up and register using your Stanford email address at Find the SLAC workspace. Then browse the list of channels in SLAC, join channels that are used by you and your team, or create a new channel for a topic relevant to you.

You can also send 'direct messages' to inviduals to start a one-on-one conversation. Slack provides a comprehensive guide on how to get started, available here:

Stanford Slack Workspaces

Stanford University IT administers the Stanford enterprise organization with Slack, of which SLAC is a workspace.